Excited to Begin Learning the Violin or the Piano?

Your Musical Journey Starts Here.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of music with our tailored lessons for all levels – from beginners to professionals. Our highly qualified teachers will guide you on a musical journey that elevates your skills to a new level. We also offer classes over weekends.

Everyone is welcome here, regardless of age! Children from the age of 5 and adults of all ages can unfold their musical talents with us. There are no upper limits – it's never too late to discover or deepen your passion for music.

Swing by for a free trial lesson! Try out without commitment how our lessons broaden your musical horizons. We can also teach outside the canton of Zurich.

Music as a Full-Body Workout for the Brain.

Experience Cognitive Strengthening, Emotional Intelligence, and Therapeutic Effects!

Music as Preventive Medicine for the Brain

Playing a musical instrument, especially since childhood, has been associated with a lower risk of dementia and improved cognitive function. Late musical training shows promising cognitive benefits as well, with continued practice being crucial for long-term effects. It's never too late to experience the positive effects of music!

Music and Neuroplasticity

Music actively promotes neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to change and adapt. Discover how music creates new neural connections and elevates your cognitive abilities to new heights.

Music as an Emotional Elixir

Learn how music transports not only tones but also emotions. Our teachers will help you harness the emotional power of music to reduce stress, lift your mood, and enhance your emotional well-being.

Music as a Brain Booster

Playing a musical instrument strengthens the cognitive functions of the brain, especially in terms of attention, memory, and problem-solving skills.